Monday, August 31, 2009

" Like "


Can someone PLEASE tell me what the purpose of the word like?

I started a long time ago to try to diminish my usage of this word, but a recent experience has helped me to renew this goal and be concious of NOT EVER saying it again.

My new roomies are nice girls. don't get me wrong. but today i was peacefully slumbering in my bed before work and one of them, who shall remain nameless, was blabbering loudly on the phone to who-knows who. I swear to you that she never finished a sentence. Instead of using periods or commas, she likes to use the work LIKE. (note how i used it properly just now...). She literally said this: "i was like, i was like (repeating herself) no, and he was like, he was like 'i don't want to like hold you back' and i was like, i was like, your like not holding me like back." Then she said "This month has been like, it's just been like, and i am like..." she didn't finish that thought. not even kidding. it's driving me nuts. So if you ever hear me use it the wrong way, slap me. Please!!


  1. i'll just call you frankenstein. that's much more effective than slapping you.

  2. and i'll do the same as brit. :D

  3. BAH HA HA! like, are your roommates like, blonde? like, ew, that is so like, like, annoying!
