Saturday, August 29, 2009

I made a promise!

So I made a promise/goal that I was going to blog everyday for a while. So i'm doing that. :)


I successfully made a double layer funfetti cake with vanilla frosting inbetween and choclate frosting all on the outside and white writing with sprinkles for britt's birthday. I have to say, this was quite a feat! I'm very proud of myself. hahaha, brittany and manda helped. I'm way to lazy to go grab my camera and put pics up so those will follow :)

Chelle, I wasn't trying to point out that you haven't blogged for a while, just saying that i miss everyone doing it! :D

Mom! Thanks for coming up for dinner tonight! i've missed you so so SO much. I love you tons :) hopefully you actually read this :)

random thought.... today at work i got talking with one of my customers and she works as a controller for autolive. Towards the end of the conversation she told me that she never regretted her major in accounting and that she loves every minute of it. She also told me that if i was looking for an internship next summer to come to autolive and look her up. awesome huh!?

1 comment:

brittany michelle said...

yes awesome! just like the cake! mmmm....cake sounds good. i think i will eat dinner so i can have some more cake. :)