Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pictures Galore!

Okay, I have SERIOUSLY been slacking in getting these up on my blog, but here are our wonderful engagements! I only picked a "few" out of what we got back from our photographer.

We got over 420 back from her, so here are a few of my favorites:

 He made me laugh, he does that a lot! :)

Again, Laughing :) I love his face in this one!!

Our "model-y" shot. 

I think it was the  photographer's fault this time. she kept calling me "Amanda"... lol.

I just love this series! So, sorry, you get to see three of them! 

One of my personal favorites:

 AAAAANNNNNDDDD.... the one we'll probably use for the invites. LOVE IT!!
Doing engagements was so much fun! I can't stop looking at all the pictures of my man. It will be even better to look at the real thing when he gets back in TWO days!! I have really missed that man. I'm ready for him to be HOME!!


Laura Em said...

Oh my blasted adorable. Sooooo happy for your happiness.

Michelle said...

I think they turned out great, you guys are super cute together.

Kendra said...

i love your pictures!!! you are gorgeous and you two look so great together! congratulations!

Adam and Cami said...

You guys are just too cute!

The Gillen's said...

So beautiful!!! I love them Megs!

Linds and Thad said...

Cute pictures! I am so excited for your wedding in August.