Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I can see the light!

I counted up today, and guess what??

I only have 9 days of school left! 


Isn't that the best news EVER!!? 

I also only have 6 tests left. 3 regular tests and 3 finals. That seems like a lot for just 9 more class days, but I am so stoked!! After these next few weeks, I won't ever have to take tests or study for hours again. It is going to be so nice. I know that my life will change and I'll have stress from other things, but this is definitely a nice (and VERY welcome) thought!! :)


JonandLo said...

being graduated is the best thing ever! congrats and good luck on your tests!

Adam and Cami said...

Holy cow! That's awesome! You are like right there! Way to go! Keep it up for all NINE of your classes left! And good luck on the tests!