Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm a Scrooge

It's true. I'm a scrooge. 

I just realized this. Not of Christmas. I love Christmas. (Especially now that I won't have to work anymore of them in retail!!)

But of other holidays.

My boyfriend called me last night and told me that he wanted to plan something for Valentine's day. I said okay, but told him I didn't want flowers or candy or anything because I don't like Valentine's day. I want to spend it with him, for sure! I ALWAYS want to spend time with him! 

But I don't feel like Valentine's day is special, even though it's supposed to be. I'd rather be surprised. That's when it's special.

So this little chat got me thinking about other holidays that I guess you could say I'm non-traditionalist about. 

New Years. I LOVE celebrating New Years. But I refuse to make New Years "resolutions". Do you want to know why? Every New Years resolution I have ever decided to make has been broken within a month, or week, or whatever.

I like to make goals when I think I need them in my life, when I think I can actually succeed at them. For example, I don't know how many times I made a new years resolution to read my scriptures every day, but I couldn't keep it until I made it as a goal NOT on New Years just over a year ago. 

I also dislike Halloween. It's fun to dress up as something and go to a friend's house for a party. I did that with Keara and Chelsey this year, and it was a blast (I was Katniss from Hunger Games). But I always get a little freaked out around Halloween. 

Where I have worked for the last few years, people come in with masks all the time around Halloween. Masks remind me of horror movies, of bad things happening. I don't trust anyone in a mask. 

Some people dress up as really cool things- Dorothy and Toto or Storm from X-men. And I love seeing the cute little kids in their costumes!! But a lot of people dress up as creepy things, evil things. I don't like the monsters and the devils and the zombies. Things dripping with blood. It makes me sick just thinking about it. 

See? I'm a scrooge. 

I do love most other holidays though, especially the ones I get to spend with my family- Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I love the summer holidays the most! The fourth of July and 24th are the best! I love barbecues and parades and fireworks and spending time with the people that I love. So I guess I'm not too much of a scrooge, just around some holidays! 

I hope Dave will forgive me for being a bit of a scrooge for this one :)


Michelle said...

I am just like you in this respect...probably worse though. I don't care to stay up on New Years, waiting until 12 doesn't make much of a difference to me, I don't dress up for Halloween, I don't like Valentine's Day--at least the cheesy aspect of it. But it's not a bad thing! Jeff LOVES that I don't get into V-day like all the other women out there. Every year we get Papa Murphy's pizza and watch a movie together. I love that tradition, it's low-key, inexpensive, and gives us time for just each other. Have fun with Dave, that's all that really matters and don't feel bad for being a "scrooge" with this one...your future husband will probably come to appreciate that about you :)

micah folsom photography said...

ha this is a crack up... you are quite a little scrooge!

Sharalee said...

Sometimes I think I must be the only one who feels this way about certain holidays, so it was great to read your post. I have always hated Halloween, and I think I probably passed that on to my kids too. We are not a Halloween family. I don't really care about New Years, or Valentines either, but I'm always up for dinner out, so that's usually how we celebrate those holidays. Not too expensive but still a treat for me not to have to cook! Thanks for sharing your are just so cute!