Friday, April 23, 2010

I drove a four-wheeler!

Let me tell you about a story that happened to me about 6 or 7 years ago.

My family loves to go camping (although we are not as rugged of campers as some). We used to go to this lovely little place in the middle of nowhere called Clear Creek. (It's by city of the rocks, kinda, for anyone who knows where that is.) I love this place. the camp ground is covered in trees, and we park all of our trailers in a clearing right next to the "creek". We camp in the same place every year.

I have cousins who always bring their four-wheelers camping. They love to take them out and go on adventures. This story is about my attempt to drive one of those.

I asked my dad to teach me how to drive a four-wheeler, so we started up the trail and took it slow. I was feeling fine about driving at that point, so he told me to give it some more gas and get going faster. So that's what I did. We came to a curve in the road and back then I wasn't strong enough to turn the wheels. I forgot about the breaks, and we went up on the bank of the road and flipped over. The four-wheeler had me pinned underneath it and I was literally folded in half.

My dad got thrown off and luckily was there to pull the wheeler off me. I was very lucky to only have a few scrapes and bruises. I think I did something to my ribs as well, but we never got them checked out. To this day they pop out of place and I have to reach underneath my ribs an pop them back. I was extremely lucky not to have something worse happen to me from this wreck.

Since that day I have refused to drive a wheeler ever again. My family kept saying "You have to get back on the horse Megan..." I couldn't do it. It took me forever just to get back on a four-wheeler. I was scared.

Yesterday, however, I finally faced my fear of driving one. I didn't drive it on a mountain road, I only drove it down a little dirt road and across a field. But I did it! I was pretty excited!


Adam and Cami said...

Way to overcome your fear! That's so fun though, I love riding four-wheelers!

Michelle said...

Way to go Megs! I never knew that story, kindof surprises me that you didn't like 4-wheelers. My family always had them so I think they're a blast, glad you got to do it again and now you don't have to be scared of them

brittany michelle said...

good job! i'm glad you had fun. also, i can't imagine popping my own ribs back into place...

Anonymous said...

that's the way to do it megan! get back on and get after it. ;D