Monday, March 29, 2010


So the other day I pulled a really smart move and drove off from the Centerville gas station without replacing my gas cap... I don't know where it is... probably on the pavement or in their lost and found... I have driven around for a few days now almost on empty, not knowing whether it was safe to get gas without my gas cap...

Well, today I desperately needed to fill up, so I finally went in the checker auto parts store to see if I could get a new one. All the workers there laughed about it and said that they've all done it too and were way nice about it (and it made me feel A LOT better).

So the lady that was helping me looked the part up on her handy little computer and said "6825"...

68,25?! that sounds an awful lot like


I ALMOST had a heart attack. $68.25 for a GAS CAP? I was going to say, forget it, I'm not spending that much on a gas cap, I'll stuff a rag in there and hope it doesn't blow up....

So then she started ringing me up for it, and I was ready to say that I'd go somewhere else when I decided to say instead "How much did you say that was going to be?"

She said, "oh, it's $6.99."

"Oh good," I said, "I thought you said it was $68.25..."

She explained that 6825 was the part number and that she said it so she could remember where to go get it. We both laughed and I thanked her as I headed out the door, relieved that my gas cap did not cost 68 dollars and 25 cents...


Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha!!!! that's all.
oh p.s. I told you it was the part number.... :D

Michelle said...

I wouldn't be surprised with the cost of things on cars. I once had to pay $25 for that stupid silver logo that goes on the front of Toyotas. Grrr.

Adam and Cami said...

That's hilarious! That sounds like something i would think!