Monday, February 1, 2010

Okay, really it sounds like a lot, but...

Every time I tell someone how much I have going on this spring (2 jobs, vita, 16 hours, etc.) people look at me like i'm crazy and ask me when I have time to have a social life... The truth is, yeah, it sounds like a lot, but really it all comes down to scheduling and figuring out when you can or cannot go do something. I've had 4 dates in the last 2 weeks (with 3 different guys), and I've had time to be with my friends and watch movies. I guess my point of this post it that maybe we all need to spend a little less time on facebook and myspace and various other activities and spend a little more time focusing on the more important things in life. Who knows? I might be whistling a different tune next week when I start training for Texas Road House. we'll see. . . :D


Adam and Cami said...

So true! Even though you do have a lot of things going on, you are smart about your time you have to do other things, and choose to be social! Good for you! You're awesome!

Michelle said...

I agree, I always did about 16-18 credits at school and worked 35-40 hours, I always managed to still have fun with friends and relax a bit too. I think too many people have gotten used to not pushing themselves at all and end up wasting way too much time.

brittany michelle said...

i'm sure you'll do fine next week

Anonymous said...

i agree 100%! you got your head on straight girl, you know what is important. good on ya mate!