Friday, January 1, 2010

Letter to Me

Dad found some letters to Amanda and I (from ourselves) about 6 months ago hiding in the filing cabinet. On them, they said "Do not open until 2010". Well, today is the first day of 2010, so we got to open those letters! I was very excited because I didn't remember doing this at all. Inside the letters were worksheets that we did clear back in fifth grade. They were fill-in-the-bland activities with questions like favorite food? or pet peeves. They were really fun to read. One of my favorites: When I graduate I am going to... be a person. Another one: I am a person who wishes I could change the way other people... glare at me. Apparently people didn't like me.... and there were a few times I mentioned glare-ing... I guess I was depressed, what can i say? And my absolute favorite: Most admired person.. Parents. why? because they do what I say, Always. haha, that made me laugh.


Michelle said...

I love those. I have one as well but I got to open mine a few years ago. It's fun to remember things you thought were important and see now that they don't matter, who your friends were, etc. I like that part about your parents...not much has changed there ;)

micah folsom photography said...

what a fun thing to have! i need to remember to do things like this with jonnie... how cute

Adam and Cami said...

that's awesome! Stuff like that is so much fun to see! I had one from when I was in high school that my seminary teacher mailed me when I was 20, it was kind of funny to read, but probably not as funny at your 5th grade ones! That is so cute!

brittany michelle said...

well, you are a person, so congratulations you little future-telling psychic! that's way funny about the parents!

Jaycey said...

haha that's amazing! i once found a goal sheet from elementary saying i wanted to run faster than a 5th grader. there was a picture along with it of me telling a crying 5th grader, "it's okay, you did good too" lol