Saturday, November 14, 2009

World's Strictest Parents

After work I was watching TV, I stumbled across a show called Worlds Strictest Parents. The show followed the stories of two rebellious teens. They were into all kinds of trouble, drinking, smoking, profanity, etc. The two teens went to spend a week with "strict parents."

In this case, it was Ian and MacKenzie. They spent the week with the Boulins. This show really touched me because I was expecting the 'strict parents' to yell and scream and ya know, put 'em in line, because that's what these kinds of shows are usually like. They didn't. They treated the kids with respect. They never raised their voices, but were firm and made sure the kids know where they stood.

It was amazing to see the change that happened to those kids. All I wish is that they stay that way. By the end of the show I was crying my eyes out because of the change I saw in those two kids.

Those 'strict parents' reminded me of my own parents. They taught the kids that honesty is the best policy. They showed them that disobedience has consequences. They taught them to be respectful. I didn't think that those parents were really all that strict, I just saw it as good parenting.

I'm thankful for parents who taught me to be a respectful, responsible person with values and a conscience. I'm glad that I know how to choose the right and to work hard. My parents always encouraged me with volleyball, to learn hard work. They made sure that I helped with the chores. They showed me that teamwork is more important than personal work. Once I was done with volleyball, they had me get a job. I learned that responsibility and hard work have rewards.

Mom, Dad, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but THANK YOU. thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't say it enough. Thank you for raising me to be the person that I am. For raising me in the church and for teaching me such great values. Thank you for encouraging me in school, for instilling in me the importance of going to college, so that I can make my life the best it can be.

I love you.

I know it seems like I wrote this for my parents, but this show was a real eye opener for me. I am so blessed. My parents and my church have been the greatest blessing for me in my life. I'm eternally grateful for that.


Anonymous said...

you have AMAZING parents megan. amazing. and YOU ARE AMAZING. and you are going to be a great mom someday ;D
love you!

Anonymous said...

p.s. thanks for your comment on my blog ;)

Unknown said...

What a great tribute to your parents! We are so lucky to have been raised in the gospel. Life is so hard for kids out there that never have been introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Kate said...

So good to see that one day my kids will thank me for being strict. It is really hard when you are in the midst of it all.

brittany michelle said...

oh you are such a tender heart. i've watched that show but i've never really thought about it enough to cry about it. i'm glad you have your parents too. they did a good job, and so did you.

Ash Lew. said...

I was googling something about this show and stumbled across your blog. I think it's great that the show really had a good impact not just on them, but on you as well.