Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stay Home or Go To School?

I read at the beginning of the semester that USU didn't want us to go to school if we're sick. At the time I thought, well DUH! why would we? Well, we are about halfway through the semester and I've caught a nice little cold. The thing is, however, that I can't afford to miss class. Of course I would stay home if I were throwing up, but it's not that kind of cold (yet. . . let's hope it stays that way).

I had an accounting test on Wednesday that I'm pretty sure I bombed because I couldn't concentrate enough to study, but I had to go up there to take it anyway. Also, my classes are so intensive this semester that missing even 1 lecture (in accounting, for example) would make me completely useless when it comes to doing the homework, even if I read the textbook. Statistics and Economics are the same. So I had to go to all of my classes today.

I would've liked to stay home today, but it was impossible if I want to do well in school (which I do because there are nice little things called scholarships for those who do well.) Plus, the teachers don't care if you miss class and while it's not impossible to make up what was missed, nothing can take the place of actually being in class (for most courses).

So, any advice on how to handle this in the future? I guess for now, it's one of those things I just can't control. Sorry to everyone around me if you get sick too :(


Jeff said...

Wear a face mask so you don't spread germs!

Anonymous said...

use airborne! i have a cold too. it's awful! my whole apartment has the coughs, and we seriously all sound like long-time chain smokers by the way we cough. it's kinda funny actually. and we ALL have it at the same time. yeah, it's a party.

brittany michelle said...

Assume you go to class to get answers to questions. Look at something ahead of time and ask the instructor about it before class, being sure to cough, sneeze, and whatever else comes to mind. Don't cover your mouth. In fact, square your feet toward your instructor. Sit up front during class and continue this charade. Do not be bashful. After class, ask a question again, or if you don't have one, simply compliment the instructor on how well they explained points. This means you'll definitely have to pay attention to the lecture, but it will be worth it, because if all goes to plan, your instructor will get H1N1 and then no one will need to come to class on the next 2-3 scheduled days.