Thursday, October 29, 2009


Do you know what it's like to scan 215 candy bars?

I bet you don't.

This lady came through my line today and bought so many candy bars... I had to look at the receipt afterwards to see how many it was. 215. I couldn't believe it. That's what she's handing out for Halloween. Should've gotten her address, eh? It's good she came through my line because scanning candy bars, well, that's my forte. (as if it's something to be proud of...) I'm quite good at it.

215 candies... WoW! I feel so accomplished.

yes, that was sarcasm.

:D Happy Halloween.


brittany michelle said...

now just wait until thanksgiving, when she comes through your line with 215 cans of cranberry sauce. she's doing you a favor, having you scan 215 candy bars. it's preparation for the hard times to come. you don't even want to know what she's got in store for christmas.

Anonymous said...

maybe 215 barrels of popcorn! ha ha ha that would be fun wouldn't it? then again, hope you aren't working for christmas.

ha ha wow, this tops my 150 candy bar incident at dick's market! but this one lady did come through with two baskets full of little TINY travel sized toiletries (like toothpaste, toothbrushes, makeup, lotion, sunscreen, soap, etc.) that added up to $720. the reciept hit the floor coming out of the machine!

ah, the joys of being a cashier....

Adam and Cami said...

Wow, that is one nice lady!!! And doesn't it take patience to have to scan so many candy bars? I can't even imagine . . .