Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Latest

Oh my, I have a lot to catch up on!! Things have been crazy since the wedding (which was 2 MONTHS ago!!! Where does the time go?!). So I haven't been blogging about the fun things we have gotten to do. Right before our wedding we went on a hike up to Ensign peak. that's a nice steep little trail. But if you ever get a chance to go up there, do it! It was really pretty, there were a lot of people there, but we still enjoyed the great sunset! Oh, and if you don't get a chance, make one :)

 We baby sat our nephew Landon for Jeff and Michelle when they went out for dinner for Michelle's birthday. He was a "little" fussy the whole time, except when he was with uncle Dave :)

We have a NEW addition to the family. We went to see Weston Reed Carter in the hospital when he was born on August 26th. He's such a cute little guy and we love him to death!! Welcome to the family West :)

At the beginning of September we got to go out to Ohio for our open house at Dave's parents house. It was such a fun trip! But WAY too short. We got in late Friday night. Then spent Saturday morning getting ready for the open house. The open house was amazing, and so many good, kind people came to wish us congratulations :) We had a blast spending time with the family and were also grateful that my parents could go out there with us. We were also glad that Steve and Lori and their families were able to come out for the weekend too!! On Sunday My parents, Dave's dad, and Dave and I drove up to Kirtland and spent the day there. We took tours around old Kirtland and went inside the Kirtland temple. I love all the stories about this time in the Saint's history. They gave so much for that temple. It was a great trip!! 

We got to go camping with Lori and Jon in September. We went up to American Fork Canyon, and after we got over our fear of being eaten by a bear, we had a great time :) We roasted hot dogs and made smores . The next morning we cleaned up camp and then we on a hike. We just picked a trail. little did we know that it was the trail that went all the way up to Mt. Timp. We didn't go all the way up, of course, that take a little more planning, but it was gorgeous. These are some pictures Lori took of us on the camping trip! We had a great time.

For our 8 week anniversary, I planned a special date. It was Italian night! First we went to Olive Garden for dinner (gotta love those gift cards from the wedding :) We got never ending pasta bowls and they were DELILSH. Plus, we brought home more pasta than we actually ate :) it was great!

After that we headed home for a little italian "culture". Italians are know for their art - Da Vinci, Michelangelo, etc. So we did some painting of our own :)

 This is my painting:

Dave's Painting:

Don't you think we did a wonderful job?! We had a ton of fun doing it :)

To top off the night we watched the Italian Job and ate Gelato! It was sure a fun night. Happy 2 months babe!!


Michelle said...

So cute, looks like you've been having fun as you should be (totally makes me jealous remembering when we actually used to do fun things--enjoy it now!!). And thanks again (and again and again) for watching Landon even though he was a "little" (read: a LOT) fussy :)

Adam and Cami said...

You guys are so cute! I've been up to Ensign Peak several times, I love it! I love your date! So creative. That is so cute! You guys are so talented, I love your paintings!

Linds and Thad said...

Wow, you're paintings look really good! I'm impressed! You two look so happy and you have so much fun together! I am so glad that Dave found such a wonderful girl to marry:)

JonandLo said...

fun date night..and nice work. u are both very artistic:) did you cut some new bangs?? I'm loving them!

The Gillen's said...

What fun! You two are so artistic!