Saturday, July 23, 2011

Guess What?!

I am basically DONE with all planning for the wedding!! that is SUCH a great feeling. We have a few small things left... like, get ribbon to tie on the vases on the tables. But that is really IT!! I don't know what people do to stress themselves out about this. Maybe I'm just doing it too simple? But I don't think so...

So anyway, enough about the wedding. Life has been great lately! I've been working hard, hanging out with friends, and of course, can't get enough Dave time. I HATE saying goodbye at night. It's the hardest thing. So glad I won't have to do that anymore in 11 days!!

So... work. I am starting to get the hang of things. Which means that I am starting to love my job more and more everyday! Except the other day I kind of messed up (nothing un-fixable), and it made me feel really dumb, but I'm bound to have a few mistakes like that, right? but I have been doing good on most other things. It's so fun. I really love having a desk job! And my co-workers are awesome!!

Last weekend we we to see Harry Potter 7.2 at the gateway with some friends. We went to dinner first at California Pizza Kitchen. It was a blast! We went with Me and Dave, Preston and Amanda, Cassie and her new BF Jordan, Keara, and Chelsey. We had a fun time talking, eating, and going shopping afterward!! I love all those girls so much!! I better still see you all after you all go back to Logan without me!! K? k. good.

Then we got to see HARRY POTTER!! I am such a nerd... but I grew up with these books/movies. so I'm not ashamed to say that I just LOVE it! the movie was fantastic and I enjoyed every minute of it. There are several parts that I got a little emotional, and parts that made me love the characters even more. I am so sad that the harry potter-ness is all over now, but I am sure that I will always love the books and the movies! :)

And last, but definitely NOT least. Dave time. Have I mentioned how great it is to have him home? It is AWESOME! We still don't see each other every night, but usually most nights. It's amazing to be able to give him a hug whenever I want. We have been busy planning the wedding, and doing lots of fun stuff. Like hiking (we went to ensign peak last night), going to movies, going to the park to play (only we got kicked out because we were there after is closed... lame!), and laying on the dock looking at the stars. We have gotten to go out for dinner with BioGuard (the pest control company Dave sells for) a few times. That is fun because it's FREE!!! We went to a Bees game the other night with my parents. It was actually fun, except for the Megan-is-in-a-grumpy-mood thing. Sometimes that happens. But we still had fun at the game :)

We are so excited to be married in just a week and a half! Not to mention our awesome trip to Florida that just happens to be right after it! ;) It is going to be some MUCH needed relaxation time! Bring on the beaches!!


Michelle said...

I agree, weddings don't have to be such a big stress causer. Basically the last month before we were married was just waiting around time because everything was done. I'm glad you only have 1.5 weeks to go, it's going to be great having Dave in the family :)

Adam and Cami said...

I'm so excited for you and Dave! It's really coming up super fast! You guys definitely make a beautiful couple! I definitely don't think your wedding is too simple, I think it will be beautiful!

The Gillen's said...

Woohoo! I hope we can see you when you move all the way out in Sandy! I can't wait for the wedding! Party :)