Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dave is home!

Dave got home last weekend and we have been busy busy busy getting ready for the wedding!! The night he got home, we had to go design our invitations with my brother. They turned out so cute! I can't wait for you all to see them :)

The next day was Lagoon Day for MTC, we got to go to Lagoon for free! It was so fun, we rode all the roller coasters, but I found out that Dave doesn't like the spinny rides, so I didn't get to go on a few of my favorites (namely the tilt-a-whirl, my dad calls it the tilt-a-hurl, Dave would probably agree!!). It's okay though, we still had a great time. After Lagoon we went up to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to register. That was fun for about.... 5 minutes.... We were both super tired and we had to go back Monday, but we got it done! Saturday we also put in the invitations to get printed!

The rest of the week we have been busy working and doing more wedding stuff. We went and bought his ring on Tuesday. I can't wait to pick it up!! (I got my ring cleaned too, it makes a HUGE difference!!!) I also had my brother help me design the insert cards for the temple and I got those all printed out. I found stuff to put in my hair (since I don't want a veil). And today I did a trial run for my hair. Here are some pics. Tell me if you like or if I should find another way. There are a few things I want to tweak :)

 I'm going to have a white flower in my hair, but I don't have it yet, so I put this in for a similar effect :)

This picture was completely an accident, but I think it's pretty cool :) lol

Anyway, I know I always ask for input, but I really want to know what you all think :)

I have LOVED having Dave back from Virginia. 
We are getting more and more excited every day for our wedding!! 


Anonymous said...

Your wedding is going to be here before you know it. July always flies by. We are super excited for you guys. I love your hair. It will be gorgeous. Good luck with the rest of the plans- can't wait to be there!!

Michelle said...

I like the no-veil thing. I had one but didn't wear it most of the day so it's really only in a few of my photos, I just don't like them much...though some people say you don't look like a bride without one, just a woman in a white dress. Your hair looks cute though, are you doing it yourself or having it done?

Anonymous said...

i Love the hair!!! :D

Adam and Cami said...

I love your hair! I think it's beautiful!

The Gillen's said...

Cute hair! Do it!