Monday, February 21, 2011

A Six-Day Weekend? Yes please!

So, I have all of my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays this semester. It is really nice because I can work the other days and have more free time. Wait-- Let me rephrase that- it's nice on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's not nice at all on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I usually leave for school around 8:45 and don't get home until 4:30-ish. It makes for really long days. Mostly I just hate it.

But this week? This week, I am SO grateful that my schedule is like this. Because there are two Monday holidays in the spring semester, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and President's Day. To make up in a loss of Monday classes, the university moves Monday classes to Tuesday on President's Day. So guess what that means?! No class for me tomorrow :) And that means that I get to have a six-day weekend.

That is an AMAZING thought.

It has been so nice so far to be able  to have a little bit of time off classes. Plus, I was able to do something fun since today was a holiday! Dave and I decided to go up to Idaho Falls to see his sister, Lindsay, and her family. So Saturday after work, I met him in Brigham City and we took the drive up to IF. It was my first time (that I remember) in IF, my first time meeting the Hymas', and my first time eating at Five Guy's. All of these events were fantastic! Lindsay and Thad were way hospitable to us. They took us out to dinner, played games with us, and made us feel way welcome! I had a lot of fun playing with their daughter, Analyn, and holding their brand new baby Benjamin.

While we were up there, we got to go see the Idaho Falls Temple. that was beautiful! It's a little bit smaller of a temple, but still so pretty. We also got to see the "falls". That was pretty cool as well, if you're passing through IF, those are definitely worth a visit. I had a customer last week ask me what I had planned for the long weekend, after I told him, he asked what was there (in IF). I said I had no idea. I guess now I can tell him! There are some great things to see! It would've been even better if it hadn't been 20 billion degrees below zero :)

I loved our trip to Idaho, and hope that we can make the trip again soon! I was way bummed that we had to come home today. I am really glad, however, that my weekend still has a couple days left to it! :)


micah folsom photography said...

sounds like a fun little trip! post some pics dangit!

The Gillen's said...

I'm so glad you had fun! And found awesome water bottles. lol.

Adam and Cami said...

That does sound like a nice weekend! And what a fun little trip! I love little road trips like that! Especially with a special someone! :)

Linds and Thad said...

We had fun with you guys too! But now I have your plate, shampoo, and shower sponge. Guess you'll have to come visit again to get them back!

Anonymous said...

Hey- I hope your cruise was awesome. If we hadn't been in Cali I would be jealous. Anyways, we can't wait to see you and Dave again.