Friday, January 14, 2011


I know it is getting a little late into January, but I just wanted to take a few minutes and reflect on things that happened in 2010.

2010 was quite the year. In school I passed two of the hardest classes I have ever taken- Intermediate acct 2, and Income Taxation. I struggled more in those two classes than all of my other accounting classes put together. But I worked hard and it paid off!

I had my internship during the summer. I won't say that was my favorite thing about this year because let's face it, I was basically just a data entry person that got taken out to eat a lot. But this paid off as well! I'm excited to go back and start my full time position there this summer. Also, I got to go on my first business trip and it was my first time (and hopefully last) going inside a prison!

My sister got married in December. The wedding was lovely and I'm so glad that she's so happy. but boy, was it an emotional roller coaster for me. I always knew that eventually we would replace one another with a man and get married. I just never anticipated that it was going to be so hard. There were a lot of nights that I cried because I knew I was "losing" her in a sense. I think that I needed to go through that, no matter how much I didn't want to.

I dated a lot in 2010. Actually, it was probably my most date-y year yet. It was a lot of first dates and taking it slow. And then I met one young man that I really got a long with well. But he left for the summer. We continued to talk and had "phone dates" almost every single night. He was a great guy, but the long-distance put a strain on the relationship and I realized that it was not right for me.

This fall I was set up on about a million blind dates. I think everyone felt bad for me that Amanda was engaged, so they just set me up. Haha. None of them have really worked out... except for one. (I guess that's all you need... right? lol) My new brother-in-law set me up with him, and we have been out a few times since then. He is a great guy, and we are going out again tomorrow!  The only problem-- he goes to BYU. That is SO far away! It's usually at least two weeks between seeing each other. I guess we'll have to see what 2011 holds for that one.

Those are kind of the major things that went on in 2010, but I have a lot of little memories from this year. Like when Me, Manda, Misty, Kenzie and Brittany were all in the family room- laughing for hours for who even knows why? Or the night where we got at least three quotes for out quote wall with Cass and Amanda. :) Then there's the way we rang in the new year, just playing games and having an absolute blast with old and new friends at Keara's house.

2010 was a year of a lot of ups and downs. But the thing I have realized about life is, is that we tend to remember only the good times. The times we met a new friend or couldn't stop laughing. I'm grateful for that, because those are the times that I want to remember. I hope 2011 will be just as good to me as 2010 was (or better!) :)


micah folsom photography said...

Sounds like a great year Meg! Hope 2011 brings lots of new memories as well:)

Misty Jo said...

I hope things work out with this guy:) Long distance relationships can work if its the right guy! I can't believe your graduating this year! I'm kind of jealous:) Good luck with this semester. You will do great!

The Gillen's said...

Great blog post! :) We all have to leave the "Garden of Eden" eventually ;)

Adam and Cami said...

I love to read your updates! (even though I already know pretty much everything!) :) But it's fun anyway! I hope good things come to you this year! Love ya!