Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Sally Sob Story.

Do you know what the worst word in the world is?

I'll give you a hint, it happens a lot on Saturdays in restaurants.

that helped I'm sure... it's...


I loathe working doubles.Who came up with this idea? Yeah, you make more money, but is it really worth it to spend all day Saturday (and not seeing your family, friends, or enjoying the sunshine) working to make a few extra bucks?

Yesterday Amanda and I had day shifts and were on call for the evening shift. We got there at 11:00 am and saw that we were already called in.... great.... there goes plans for the day.

So we stayed and worked all day. Dustin saved our lives by bringing us some mountain dew, (which I usually don't drink, but I knew we'd need something to help pull us through the shifts). I also got to eat a salad, luckily, but that was about it. (Maybe working doubles is a good weight-loss program? haha, just kidding!)

I was there until 11:15 pm. My section got "cut" at about 9:30, but I had a table that thought they'd be real cool and stay until 11:00 (they were done eating around 10:00.) They were way nice, and even let me try some of their cheesecake, so needless to say, i was glad it was them and not someone else. but they stayed too long... It was such a long day! I'm not trying to complain a ton about this, it really wasn't bad until about 10:00 when I was ready to go. I almost started crying. Almost.

I only have 4 days left at Texas Roadhouse due to my internship (so excited to start!!!), and I really am sad about leaving because I love this job, but really, I will not miss the doubles.


Anonymous said...

ugh that sounds like... like... i don't even know. just awful. i can barely stand a mere 8 hour shift at friggin dick's market!

Michelle said...

I've worked a few shifts like that...but not in the food business which I think is better, regardless, they're long and miserable. We missed you last night.

Jeff said...

Nice blog background!

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