Friday, January 22, 2010

A Busy Spring

Wow, I am getting a little overwhelmed as I look forward to the next few months. I am going to be one very busy girl. Here are a few of the things I am doing:

  • 16 credits hours at school. This includes, 2 accounting classes (one of which has a night lab), marketing, operations mgt, a humanities class, and volleyball.
  • Homework / studying for all of those classes.
  • Working at Smith's Marketplace.
  • I just got a second job at Texas Roadhouse as a server, I will balance the two jobs out, working 2-3 days at TRh, and 2 days at Smith's.
  • VITA (This is a program that the Huntsman School of Business does every year, where accounting and finance students train to prepare people's taxes for them. I have training tomorrow and next Saturday.)
  • Look for summer internships.
I am totally not complaining about all of this stuff that I have to do, just documenting it. It'll keep my schedule really full and I will have to focus, but most of it should be a really good experience. I'm way excited about the VITA thing, and I think it'll help me with my career search and resume. Also, if anyone knows about any internships that I can apply for, please let me know! I would be thrilled with anything. I've already applied for one, just waiting to hear back, but it's good to have extra options. Well, wish me luck with my busy spring! :D

Also, feel free to take a look at my professional blog as well! I have started updating it again, and hopefully I can start posting things more applicable to my major and career search instead of just for MIS class. (The link is located at the top of my blog list on the right)


Unknown said...

Good job Megan! Keep up the good work!

Adam and Cami said...

Wow that is quite the load! But I know you will be able to juggle it all like a champ! I love you, and good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

whoa there! slow down you're on fire! ha ha. i know i definitely couldn't keep up with all that. (but that's just me.) i'm sure you will tackle this thing like a pro! you got the smarts and the determination to master it. it will be neat to see where you end up after all your hard work! ;D
p.s. my verification word was dabedlat. thought you might like that :D ha ha

Jackie said...

wow, i wish i was busy, you don't know how lucky you are! haha my life is so boring lately. good job on everything! p.s. i almost chose the same background for my blog, but didn't. it's way cute! :D