Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting my haircut

I'm getting my hair cut today! I'm very excited because I'm going to go with a style I've never tried before (I'm not going to say what it is, you'll all just have to be surprised).

You know, I don't really like spending money on haircuts, sometimes is seems like such a waste. but, sadly, my ends do not hold up to my damage-inflicting styling, so it must be done. I have such a hard time going for "just a trim" also. It's the same amount of money as if you do something more drastic... so I have to go with the more drastic option. lol.

I'll post a pic of my new haircut as soon as I can! I hope it looks good :D

1 comment:

brittany michelle said...

i love your new haircut. also, i definitely agree about the cost thing. i think trims should cost less than a new style.