Saturday, December 19, 2009


Today I made cinnamon chocolate chip pancakes (uhh.... britt... I borrowed a little cinnamon. I hope that was okay.) They were delicious--pretty chocolatey and rich-- but very yummy! I'm excited that I didn't have to work early this morning so that I could make some breakfast that isn't cold cereal :D

Ironic... right after I wrote this I almost threw up... I don't know what it was but manda is fine, and I was fine right after. That was so weird. I just got way nauseas for like 2 minutes... has anyone ever had that happen?


brittany michelle said...

you are fine using my cinnamon because i have quite a bit. :)

The Gillen's said...

Do we need a news flash every time your body does something? lol. JK. Yes I get nauseated sometimes.